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RIP : l’ad exchange AdBrite ferme ses portes demain, vendredi 1er Février 2013

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infographic_optimize_2_waysAdBrite n’est pas parvenu à trouver un repreneur et vient de cesser ses opérations. Son CEO Hardeep Bindra vient de congédier ses 26 collaborateurs. Les partenaires éditeurs, agences et annonceurs ont été prévenu par email, il y a quelques jours.

L’entreprise fondée en 2002 a levé plus de 40 millons de dollars. Dans un premier temps AdBrite était un ad networks avant de se transformer en ad-excahange en 2008. Depuis, AdBrite ambitionnait d’être le plus important ad exchange indépendant. Mais la concurrence de Facebook, Yahoo et Google a eu raison de la start-up.

Voilà un extrait l’email reçu par ses annonceurs :


Dear adBrite Advertiser,

Over the last few weeks, adBrite and its management have been evaluating the go-forward plan for the business. Given market conditions and certain financial liabilities, in working with our lenders, we have decided to cease operations on Feb 1, 2013.

This is a difficult decision for all of us at adBrite. However, after much deliberation this seems to be the best course of action despite the impact it will have on all the employees, clients and partners who helped build this business. There will be a team in place as needed to assist with winding down your campaign, and final reporting and invoicing.

Thank you for being part of the adBrite community.

The adBrite Team



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