Alors que nous passons de plus en plus de temps sur les différents réseaux sociaux, les entreprises cherchent à adopter les meilleures stratégies afin d’être écoutées par les consommateurs et ensuite espérer que ceux-ci achètent leurs produits ou services. L’infographie proposée par Top Web Design Schools montre que les différentes plateformes sociales ne touchent pas les mêmes audiences. Alors que plus de 4 entreprises sur 5 ont intégré les réseaux sociaux dans leurs activités, quelles sont les plateformes les plus utilisées pour vendre en ligne ? De Facebook à Pinterest en passant par Youtube… tous les chiffres sont présentés.
Meanwhile, when it comes to single most important platform, marketers overwhelmingly choose Facebook when asked (49 percent). Next are LinkedIn (16 percent) and blogging (14 percent) followed by Twitter (12 percent).
The infographic notes that 4 percent of marketers say YouTube is the most important social media platform for them. 2 percent choose Google+ while Pinterest, forums and others all got 1 percent.
When it comes to reasons cited by marketers for their use of social media, increasing exposure takes the lead at 89 percent. This is followed by increasing traffic (75 percent), providing market insight (69 percent), developing loyal fans (65 percent) and generating leads (61 percent).
Other reasons include improving search rankings (58 percent), developing business partnerships (54 percent), reducing marketing costs (47 percent) and improving sales (43 percent).
According to this infographic, 62 percent of companies that spend 40 or more hours a week using social media earn new business through their efforts.
Just six hours a week can make a difference as more than 92 percent of marketers indicated that their social efforts increased exposure for their businesses.
At least 61 percent of businesses with 10 or fewer employees agreed that social media reduced marketing expenses while only 38 percent of businesses with 1,000 or more employees said so.
However, only one in four marketers can directly measure return of investment for their social efforts, the infographic says.
Source : Top Web Design Schools